want to know all about Rollin in dough? Read me and find out!
Hi all, I'm
This little cottage food establishment (home bakery) of mine was an idea that lived in the back of my mind for years because starting a business is scary y'all. It took me a long time to grow the courage to be what I wanted when I grew up... an entrepreneur. 2020 was a tough year for all of us and I really embraced the what do I have to lose mentality and took the plunge head first into all things sugar cookies!
Baking has always been a way I've expressed myself, it is a highly detailed and specific art and I find solace in that. Since I was a little girl I was always in the kitchen baking Betty Crocker recipes. I love the challenge baking presents, you have to do it all right to get the perfect outcome and that precision has fueled me over the years. That fuel gave me the motivation to turn my cookies into art.
A cookie or a slice of cake, has the ability to change someone's entire mood and has to power to put a smile on anyone's face... c'mon people, have you ever eaten a deliciously soft cookie and been mad at the same time? It's not even possible!
Here at Rollin in Dough, we are proud to make our customers smile. We are proud to be able to bake and decorate cookies that help celebrate an occasion that will never forgotten.
LEARN ABOUT OUR COOKIE packaging and orders
All cookies are heat sealed in cellophane bags and retain freshness for 3+ weeks!
We do not recommend keeping cookies in the refrigerator, to hold them for a few days until your event, keep them room temperature and out of any direct sunlight.
shipped orders
We package each cookie in a bubble wrap pouch and pad each cookie order with love and packing peanuts. We ship cookies with success all over the US daily and experience very minimal breakage. We cannot control how the mail carrier handles the boxes once they leave our bakery, but we do everything we can to ensure a safe and breakage-free cookie delivery!
All cookies are marked with perishable or fragile stickers to let everyone know just how special your box is!
local orders:
We are located in Ruskin, Florida and arrange all of our pick-ups as contactless porch pick-ups!
View our company Terms and Conditions here: